Wind farms in Kansas
The state's first commercial wind farm went up in 2001 in Gray County. Since then …

Meridian Way Wind Farm
Meridian Way Wind Farm, which was constructed in 2008, changed the landscape and economics for …

Benefiting from wind
Rural Kansas towns stand to become some of the biggest benefactors of a booming wind industry in the Sunflower State. Among them is north-central town of Concordia.

Community college tries to keep up with demand for technicians
Training wind turbine technicians is such a new field that there aren’t textbooks to teach the courses. Often, students are so in demand that they are hired before they have a chance to finish the program.

Woman circulates flyer to find missing pet
Lost Turtle
Emily Stoker says she grew up on a farm and likes having animals around - cats, dogs and chickens.vv

Just published story
State and federal law enforcement officials are warning consumers to be wary of scams targeting donors to Haiti earthquake relief efforts.
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For many in the north-central Kansas town of Concordia, the 67-turbine Meridian Way Wind Farm has brought the most excitement and economic promise they have seen in decades. Eight miles south of town, the wind turbines tower over 20,000 acres of wheat fields and pastures. On a clear day, the three-megawatt generating turbines — the largest on-shore models in the United States — can be seen for miles.
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