Mike Allen

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Sempra Partners with Division of Con Edison for 5 Solar Projects.

Sempra U.S. Gas & Power, a division of San Diego-based Sempra Energy, said it’s agreed to a partnership in five solar projects in California and Nevada with Consolidated Edison Development, a division of Con Edison Inc., based in New York and one of the largest energy companies in the world.

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Epsilon Systems Solutions Navy Contract Potentially Worth $53M

San Diego-based Epsilon Systems Solutions said it recently received work from the U.S. Navy that could be worth up to $53 million over three years if the customer exercises all of its options.

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The Financial Curtain Falls on the San Diego Opera

In a move that surprised many, the San Diego Opera announced it will cease operations after this season ends on April 14.

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Rafmagnslaust í vesturborginni

Jarðýta sleit í sundur streng

Rafmagnslaust í miðborginni

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To accelerate climate change, NASA scientists turn to hacking the earth

In the summer of 2012, a small group of the Haida people, a native community in Canada, had a problem. The salmon they rely on were disappearing. So the Haida took matters into their own hands.

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AleSmith Brewing Signs $9.7 Million Lease for Planned Miramar Expansion

San Diego-based AleSmith Brewing Co. has signed a $9.7 million lease to occupy a 105,600-square-foot industrial building in Miramar, where it plans to quintuple the size of its current craft beer-making operations in that neighborhood.

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