Nathan Borror

Springfield, MO

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Record keepers: Experts discuss benefits of pouring thoughts, ideas onto paper

Wrapped in a red coat on a cold Saturday night, Holly Charlton sits on a stool at the Replay, talking to some friends. Then, out of nowhere, something stirs her, and in an instant, Charlton plucks a journal from her purse, flips it open and begins to write.

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KU poised to receive donated building in Fairway to use for cancer clinical trials

Kansas University will seek authorization Thursday for a transfer of property from the KU Endowment Association that is part of an $18 million gift from the Hall Family Foundation to the KU Cancer Center.

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Transit plans on a roll

Transit officials are gearing up for a second round of coordination between bus systems serving Lawrence and Kansas University, striving once again to boost convenience, trim waste and, eventually, add more riders.