8 Website Redesign Mistakes

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re just building a website

Website redesigns are only done once every few years. They are the most important thing your organization is likely to do the year you tackle yours. They take valuable staff time. What a waste if all you end up with is a prettier website!

Avoid these often-missed errors when redesigning your website:
  1. Relying on a general practitioner when you need a specialist. How many publishing success stories can your web developer show you?
  2. Only thinking about your website, and not taking the opportunity to reengineer internal systems, including editorial workflows
  3. Not having a plan to end up with more actionable audience data
  4. Not considering the user experience, focusing instead on how it “looks”
  5. Not adding at least one new revenue stream
  6. Not planning calls to action strategically, including when and where they show up
  7. Having dead-ends on your site; you need to give your readers suggestions where to go next
  8. Not planning how to better position yourself as the heart of your industry or community

You redesign to upgrade your user experience, increase revenue and do more with your data. Still, we see some of the same mistakes happening again and again.

ePublishing clients have the advantage. Our products are designed for publishers, helping them achieve their goals with their websites – and then some. We work closely with our clients to navigate successful redesigns that tie directly to increased engagement and revenue.

Request a free consultation to learn how ePublishing approaches website redesigns with your growth in mind. Or get a demo.